Gaming Journalism

Any For Love For An LGBT Spin-Off Of Leisure Suit Larry And Such?


This is another article that reflects on a video game franchise that contains strong sexual content aimed at mature audiences, along with one concern regarding suicide. Reader discretion is advised.

Seven months ago, I expressed my thoughts on how an instalment of the Leisure Suit Larry franchise that is heavily based on LGBT dating can excel in the near future of gaming whilst appealing to a secondary mature target audience [54] [55]. Currently, I am very flattered to have received a comment from the official Assemble Entertainment YouTube channel thanking me for posting nice comments on the promotional videos for Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Dry Twice and the theme song of the previous instalment, Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don’t Dry [7] [8] [9]. The sequel’s title may technically contradict the last game’s title, but I am pretty sure that its prime intentions are to ensure that the unlucky bachelor will keep on searching for love in the early 2020s [8] [9] [43] [52] [53]. And Bégoniax thought Rayman was a pervert in Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc and its HD re-release [11] [39] [40] [41] [56]. I sometimes suspect that Larry Laffer could be diagnosed with Hypersexual Disorder due to so many sexual references throughout every quest to do woohoo that usually fails [12] [13] [38]. Despite that, I, Lacy Dress Laura, will proceed to expand on my thoughts on how the new era of the Leisure Suit Larry franchise can excel with more positive LGBT representation and such.

Looks like only one adventure was not enough, eh Larry [15] [16] [27]? [43]
Larry will not give Faith up [27]!
He ain’t gonna let her down!
Guess he’ll have to walk around and
Search for her [35]! [8]

It looks like the soft-reboot of the franchise already established some positive portrayal of homosexuality [2] [20] [50]. It sure is sweet how gay marriage was finally introduced to the series in Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don’t Dry. Lance Straightman and Richard Ryder sure look cute together and I adore how Larry helped them get married in such an honourable way as part of his character development outside of his desire to finally lose his virginity to an attractive woman [2]. As for the lesbian couple, I love how one of the ladies is a rock star [20] [50]. Surely a new spin-off of the soft-reboot timeline that introduces a new playable niece of Mr. Laffer can at least feature a lesbian scene that does not involve a straight guy’s perverted nature [50]. I still believe that a bisexual or pansexual niece of the main man will interestingly lead to any handsome male equivalents of the beautiful bachelorettes, leading to a role reversal [54] [55]. I am more than happy that the new timeline set in the late 2010s has already introduced a not so problematic portrayal of homosexuality [2], but what would gloriously expand on it would be introducing a new playable bisexual or pansexual character in another instalment [54] [55].

Here is one whole tuna fish sandwich. [20] [50]
And here is a little sausage fest. It sure feels good to teach some homophobes a lesson. [20] [50]

In addition to how Wet Dreams Don’t Dry has introduced a gay wedding without anyone interfering with it [2], I believe that there still can be a more humanised portrayal of a transwoman, a transman or a male crossdresser [29] [30]. As previously stated, making a niece for Mr. Laffer pansexual will lead to her feeling some sexual attraction to a transsexual person or crossdresser, thus making a spin-off starring her appeal to pansexual and transsexual gamers [48] [54] [55]. Koko from Leisure Suit Larry: Manga Cum Laude, a college student who often spoke in a fake French accent turned out to be a male crossdresser after giving Lovage…something special [3] [21] [30]. Surely it was solely a punchline and left Lovage felt quite uneasy, but I am sure that if he had a sister who is pansexual, she would react differently in a way that would make a crossdresser seem more humanised. I can already imagine how Laffer would not understand the terms “bicurious” and “pansexual” could annoy a possible sister of his nephew in another instalment that consists of the same rather positive outcomes of portraying homosexuality with a little humour in Wet Dreams Don’t Dry [29] [54] [55].  Oh, and please make the narrator who has a sexy voice return [17] [28]!

Here is Koko’s appearance in Magna Cum Laude. Sorry, but an uncensored screenshot will not be allowed here either. [21]
Even though it would be best to set an LGBT-friendly spin-off in the 21st century [2] [50], even for appealing to pansexual and transgender gamers, I would not mind any cool nostalgic references in the next Leisure Suit Larry game set in the new timeline for good old time’s sake [31]. Heck, how about a parody of rickrolling in Larry’s perspective [19] [35], quite like how I demonstrated it? [9]

Surely if the franchise continues to grow throughout the rest of the 2020s, perhaps there can be more than one playable bachelor or bachelorette, possibly including a new female LGBT protagonist I have mentioned plenty of times [54] [55]. I am highly interested at how Faith was playable in an epilogue the Wet Dreams Don’t Dry as it was a sort of rehash of Passionate Patti being playable in Leisure Suit Larry 3 [5] [34]. Interestingly enough, Larry Lovage could make a comeback after the reception of Wet Dreams Dry Twice as he is indeed Laffer’s nephew who seems to idolise him as he received dating advice from him [3] [25]. Well, that would be the case if there is a huge promise to not make any of the same mistakes Box Office Bust did [32]. Aside from these suggestions on who should be a playable character, what matters the most besides coherent storytelling with witty adult humour and appealing graphics is the overall gameplay and how engaging it can be, especially due to how a player can learn from a slip up during each attempt at guiding a bachelor…or bachelorette safely and logically to each goal throughout the plot [14] [33] [34] [42].

Again, since I take suicide very seriously, I still must strongly suggest making a protagonist commit suicide and referring to it as “a coward’s way out” completely off limits when it comes to providing a variety of ways to lose the game [18] [33] [44] [54] [55], especially if a new playable protagonist in the future of the Leisure Suit Larry franchise will be homosexual, bisexual or pansexual. [14]
Seriousness aside, I would also like to see a return of the bonus challenge that was simply a parody of Where’s Waldo, also known as “Where’s Wally” in the United Kingdom from Leisure Suit Larry: Love For Sail [24] [49]. [17]

Considering the soft-reboot and its sequel are set in the second half of the 2010s and the early 2020s [26] [27] [31], I am quite surprised that Larry Laffer had not even tried ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) yet [6] [51]. Nonetheless, I still believe that providing a spin-off within the Wet Dreams timeline that consists of a new playable homosexual, bisexual or pansexual character can make LGBT gamers feel more welcome in the gaming industry [54] [55], especially outside of Japan [36] [46] [47], but without any lolicon or shotacon of course [45]. We will have some great things to look forward to in 2021, such as the 25th anniversaries of the Pokémon franchise and the Tomb Raider franchise [37] [52] [53]. Whether he has Hypersexual Disorder or not [38], I hope that Larry will be happy and perhaps have children in the next main game in the soft-reboot timeline [26] [27], just like in the last verse of the theme song for Wet Dreams Don’t Dry [7]. I am up for the current era of his life eventually becoming a trilogy in about 2022. Even though he stated that most reboots end up being unsuccessful, I, Lacy Dress Laura, wish Mr. Laffer the best of luck. Feel free to follow me on Instacrap and we can perhaps have a round of Fartnite soon [8] [20].

Aside from what could be next in a third Wet Dreams game in the reboot timeline and perhaps a spin-off that features a pansexual character being playable [26] [27] [31] [54] [55], perhaps there can be a remake of any of the other four classic games from the late 1980s and early 1990s as an alternative plan to the keep the franchise going [1]. I wonder who could voice Passionate Patti in any of those [4] [34]? [1]
I refuse to have this filth displayed in my presence, Mr. Laffer! 500,000 points from Gryffindor [10]! [9]


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